We are a nonprofit organization registered in Taiwan, committed to increasing awareness of the extraordinary impact that food and lifestyle choices have on the health of our bodies, our communities, and our planet. Through science-based education, service, and advocacy, we seek and to inspire and connect all people. Drawing on this vast and rapidly growing international network of information and resources, while we help collate to build local resources in Mandarin for Taiwan and other Chinese-speaking communities. providing practical solutions to save and improve human and animal lives through a healthy plant-based lifestyle and ethical and scientific research, to enable people to live a healthier and sustainable world.
From treating illness to preventing illness with a well-planned and educated Whole Food Plant Based, WFPB-led healthy lifestyle
Reduce the reliance on medicine and hospital care by taking more personal responsibility for health and wellbeing.
That is more than just food, and includes holistic elements of stress management, exercise and lifestyle management.
By developing resources and modalities to reach all segments of the society, from public, to professionals and governments, encouraging step-by-step change to the peaceful, loving and all-encompassing WFPB way of life.

Collect and collate information and research on WFPB Diet
Working with international organizations to promote scientific proven WFPB Diet which is beneficial to our health in TW
Online / Offline class for WBPF nutrition and cooking
WFPB Food R&D and certification
WFPB Diet and exercise plans
Seminars, lectures and workshops including farm visits for education
Provide professional related exchange and platform
Education on parallel topics - environment, animals and ethics integration
Publish and promote works on above topics (books, articles, AV etc)
We will organize the whole food plant-based diet and nutrition lectures in cooperation with various groups at home and abroad with the same concept. We will also regularly handle various health, exercise and cooking videos and teachings to help everyone move towards a healthy whole food plant-based lifestyles.
Registered font size: No. 1100033948
Date of establishment: April 17, 2010